
Lookup Resources and Volunteers are needed! 

If you have resources from which you have permission and would be willing to lookups, please contact me at s_cotstout@aol.com (remove the underscore before e-mailing)

The following people have volunteered to do limited lookups.

A limited lookup is for a single item, for one individual.  

Lookups for all of a surname, more than one thing, (i.e.. marriage, census, obit or 'everything you have on this person or surname') will not be acknowledged.  These nice people aren't volunteering to do your research, but rather to lend a 'helping hand.'  Therefore, when contacting these folks, please observe the following rules: 

Do:  Know WHO you are looking for.
Do:  Ask for only ONE specific name.

Do Not:  Ask for ALL of a surname.
Do Not:  Ask them for everything they have on a particular family or surname.

Please do not ask for all of a surname, or multiple names, or more than one person.  Such requests will be ignored.

Lois Hunolt Hunziker - s_weetoak@marktwain.net (remove the underscore before e-mailing)

Updated 17 Nov 2012